In the sitting room of Mr. B. Mr. A is seen sitting on the couch while Mr. b tries to entertain him.
Mr. B: What will you have? Is it fruit juice, soda, tea, chocolate, cappuchino, fappuchino or water?
Mr. A: Tea please.
Mr. A: Tea please.
Mr. B: Do you want Oolong tea, herbal tea, Indian tea, bush tea, iced tea, green tea or black tea?
Mr. A: I will prefer the first one.
Mr. B: You mean Oolong tea?
Mr. A: Ooo… yes. That will be fine.
Mr. B: How would you like it? Do you want it black or white?
Mr. A: (very quickly) Just give me white.
Mr. B: Would you prefer it with milk or you want it blank?
Mr. A: Milk…
Mr. B: Do you want goat milk, cow milk, condensed milk or powder milk?
Mr. A: Cow milk please.
Mr. B: Do you prefer Friesland cow or Africana cow?
Mr. A: (frustrated) Ok! I will just take it blank. Don’t bother to put milk, just bring it blank.
Mr. B: With or without sugar?
Mr. A: With sugar please
Mr. B: Which will you prefer? Cube sugar, sugar cane or cane sugar?
Mr. A: Cane sugar
Mr. B: The sugar, is it the white, brown or yellow?
Mr. A: (upset) Okay, I don’t want tea just give me water.
Mr. B: Is it mineral water you want, tap water, well water…
Mr. A: (cuts in impatiently) MINERAL WATER!
Mr. B: Flavoured or unflavoured?
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